Wednesday, April 23, 2008

WAKE UP CALL - Battle of the Bulge

Last nite whimsy visited a dear friend Pharmacy in damai. (Min, si Janet) This is her second outlet (original one is in Donggongon Penampang - Donggongon Pharmacy). The outlet has a very classic ambience. I feel so health conscious being in a pharmacy....(LOL!!), don't know why!! The smell of cleanliness, medicine etc just makes u conscious whether one is healthy enough or not. Janet did a BMI, Fat components etc checking for whimsy, using some sort of machine. I wanted to put the pic of the machine here, but somehow I couldnt put more than these 2 pictures (why is that ya? all u techhies out there?) .

Lo and Behold!!!!!!!the result is OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG, Whimsy is in the brink of Obesity (with a capital O!), my fat contents againstoverall weight is - OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG 35% of my body is FAT!!!!! That is soooooooo not good!!!! OMG If I am an edible meat (steak), I would be the best steak cut since I had the right proportion of fats and meat kan!!! Janet says that is quite dangerous coz it means my important organ (heart, "angkayau' I dont know wht is that in english, etc) are envelope with fats, and reduce their efficiency.
But seriously, this is really a wake up call for me. I v been experiencing a plateau in my quest to reduce weight. I won't disclose my weight here (sufficient to say my weight is similar to Fabmom's hubby weight, kan Fab mom, or he is lighter now!) No wonder I v been feeling lousy nowadays, I get tired easily and I got migraine attack quite often, especially when I go outstation. The bad news is I go outstation quite often nowadays, and it scares me to be consuming the migraine medication very often.
Janet the pharmacist had put me on a medication to control my appetite and to try reduce 2 kg initially. Reductill (It is RM8 per tablet...) Have anyone ever tried thie? Do share your experience. I had taken one today, and I will be sharing with u'ol the experience k. Wish me luck in my quest to be healthy my dear blogettes.

Do visit janet's DAILY CARE PHARMACY (sebelah Rafflesia Chicken Hut) and show support to our local business. They provide many employment opportunities to the local. Do ask for discounts coz they will give discounts. ANd ask Janet to do checking on the BMI, fat things as well....


fabmom said... u're on a diet...pigi la main futsal..burn the fat..

Anonymous said...

val, good news to you, body fat aku dlm 40%. Even worst kan ? And tak sadar diri lagi, tak jugak pegi jogging. Sabar je la. Let me know if that ubat works aa..

Shabbymom said...

wow...mbok...ur post menakutkan I...aku balum lagi check my body aku rasa kalah c min lunch aku ambil energy bar ....kununlah...tapi ia juanya lapar bebalik!!!..mun bisai ubat mu atu baritau kelagi jua mahal banar!!!!!

whimsical said...

au, kelagi mahal banar.tapi inda payah beli banyak2. satu strip ja.i surely will let u know the progress. oh ya, u tau ada aku buat research pasal energy bar ani. ianya paling sesuai utk atlit. mcm kitani yg hampir separa atlet, inda digalakkan, sebab sugar contentnya atu sgt tinggi.atu tah yg bikin tambah gems. au ba, dulu itu lah aku konon mengambil energy bar.rupanya tau culprit yg bikin aku naik tanpd disedari. baik tah kita makan bubur ayam dan makanan ruji biasa, cuma dikurang kan ja. suda aku minta nasihat dr juga. dg bilang kalau macam umur kiani, kena jaga sikit sebab badan kita ani berkusyen (lamak). kalau kusyen atu di luar, baik. tapi jgn kusyen atu di bahagian angkayau ka, jantung ka etc atu yg tiba-tiba banyak org ber matian tiba-tiba tu. dt bilang aku memang tahap kronik, thats why migraine i sangat kuat sekarang. kusyen@lamak atu menghalang perjalanan darah. cissss kan!

Shabbymom said...

memang cissss....makanan sadap semuanya berlamak!!!!! yg inda sadap tu pulang bisai.....dunia...dunia...tidak adil....hahahahhahah

Val Aziz said...

Less starch sbb starch is the most stubborn to digest n potatoes, bananas, rice etc...milo pun fattening oh...dinner must not be after 8pm coz then ur metabolism starts to snooze..lots of plain water coz it will wash away the toxins n a good way to slim down..demikianlah dietician Marie France membaritau kadi aku suatu ketika dolu..

Anonymous said...

Tu benda yg perlu didelete belum delete lagi, ya.. Btw i dunno how to use my nama commercial so i stick to anonymous ja lah.
Eh, u all, if u want to really lose weight, cek the Glycemic Index of the food. The lower the index is, the kurus is the food. But it only applies to carbs