Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday yay!!!!!!

Yours truly is currently very very into agatha christie books.

Bought in Signature, initially it was RM19.90 for 2 books. but tiba-tiba last 2 week s it was sold RM10.00 for 3 books!!!! but i was so scared the cashier salah jual, i bought 9 books only. Should have bought all 30 books!!!!!! sayang o sayang o. yesterday went to check again, but the price now is RM19.90 per book! I simply adore UK authors o, very witty and jokes are subtle but sangat menyucuk hati. These books are very light and comes handy for outstation (waiting for flight at the airport). The "staring" in agatha christie books are the famous Hercule Poirot and his sidekick Captain Hastings. Ada juga Agatha Christie series where the detective is Miss Jane Marple (remember the tv series ages ago - Murder She Wrote? if i'm not mistaken it was based on Agatha Christie's Miss Marple). To date i only have 27 agatha christies (HINT:A VERY GOOD BIRTHDAY GIFT TO YOURS TRULY kan..wink, wink )

happy friday u ol


Min said...

Val, love the new background..semakin mengancam blog kau.. I didn't get to see my bakery friend in Cameron. Lain kali lah.

whimsical said...

hehe tq min.u la sumber inspirasi i bergiat dlm blogging ni.i m off to ranau now.nanti i update pic ya