Friday, November 9, 2012


(mcm makcik-makcik gambar kami di atas kan hikhikhikhik).

Kaum wanita di office started ber aerobic dlm bulan March this year. Kami bayar satu instructor to ajar aerobic 2x seminggu. Dlm RM400 sebulann her fee. The instructor is a 55 year old kakak. She is so fit and energetic and put us all to shame!!! Kami kapus-kapus sudah. Dia masih ok ah!!!! Kami share-share bayar dan di subsidize oleh Kelab Sukan juga lah. Untuk tambah memudahkan kami, we converted one of the stor to be a mini aerobic. Yang paling best lagikan, the bilik aerobic hanya di bawah office pendek kata teramat mudahlah!!! Sangat bersyukur! Dan untuk kasi up lagi the bilik, we put in 8 kaki tinggi cermin di satu dinding untuk menambahkan semangat kami ber exercise sambil menengok diri kami sendiri!!!! cermin tersebut berfungsi untuk menengok samada steps betul atau tidak. MEMANG BEST LAH INI AEROBIC. cOZ KALAU TIDAK...MANA ADA CHANCE LAGI MAU GET SOME EXERCISE KAN.

Ada juga org luar join in and kita charged RM40 sebulan. Dan sometimes kaum wanita rasa 2x seminggu tu tidak cukut, si Zakiah akan bawa her zumba CD and kasi pasang projector and ikut the cd punya steps. Serious sgt berpeluh-peluh ah!

Selepas cerita fitness, kita selang-selikan dgn cerita makanan ya!! Tidak lama lagi akan ada sukan tahunan Kumpulan yang diadakan 2 tahun sekali. So untuk menambahkan dana kelab kami, they decided to jual ais krim Malaysia. Yg di atas ni percubaan membuat ice cream Malaysia. Perasa Air Bandung. Kira proto type la bah ni kan. Resepi ice krim ini adalah seperti berikut:

Susu Kotak full cream (jgn la low fat, kurang creamy!)
Sirap Merah brand Sun Valley (brand lain tidak sedap..ada bau coloring)
Susu Ideal Milk - evaporated milk.

Masukkan dlm plastik dan ikat kuat-kuat. Yg first batch ni, i belum terrer lagi mengikat thts why nampak tidak firm kan. But badge kedua i buat perasa air jagung, ketat sudah ikatannya!

Take care all dan selamat berexercise dan sokonglah ice krim buatan tempatan!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Menang Gaya!

Mood membaking dtg sekali-sekala. I google for basic and easy butter cake recipe. Ini lah hasil carian google-an i:

180 gm self raising flour
250 gm butter
4 eggs
200 gm castor sugar

Seperti kebiasaan membuat kek: cream butter and sugar till kembang, add eggs and fold in flour. Bake for 20-30 minutes pada suhu 180 darjah celcius. Masa adjust ikut oven masing-masing.

Ok juga cuma mcm crumbly my keke. I rasa i salah sukat tepung. Mcm terbanyak beberapa gram. Ini cake i buat untuk bawa ke gathering di rumah si Ros.

Untuk me lawakan the cake...spread chocolate sos di sekiling dan sila belah dua the cake and taruh filling choc juga. Memang bikin sedap lah. Bikin nampak cantik kalau di mekap kan dan digambar kan!

Tetapi ini lah rupa the kek kalau di ambil secara besar-besaran. Mcm miring kan...leaning tower of kek....hikhikhikhik

Penting bah teknik menggambar menggunakan angle yg fotogenik kan supaya kek kita nampak yummy. Dan untuk me lawakan lagi presentation...potong kek sebutir-sebutir letakkan dlm kotak lawa dan ikat dengan ribbon yg fancy fancy seperti the first pic. Presentataiin is the utmost important kan! Biar menang gaya....hahahahaha

Take care all dan selamat membuat kek butter!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Terlampau juga ...

(Image taken from:

Home in Bukit Vor definitely need a new coat of paint. Moved in 1 Mei 2001..11 years ago. Inda kesedaran kan.

'M looking at bebrapa jenis dan warna cat. Flipping through my databse of fav pictures...i m more inclined towards country beach gitu bah. Faded blue gitu lah.

Gambar di atas bah..bikin i terketawa. Shabby chic juga la kan..tapi terlampau la bah daif kan tu pintu!!! Can u imagine i buat mcm ni my pintu...sure hairan my mum kan! Senteng kali dia bilang!!!!! Orang gila ka banduan?(Soalan cliche si Hadji) hahahahahahahahahahaha.

I hope impian i to re-paint home akan jadi kenyataan.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

October was an eventful month. last week 24-24 hb ke Beluran utk outstation. Masa pi I naik kapalterbang. Delayed for 2 hours. Hujan bah. Masa tu kan i wish i had a good camera with me to capture the pemandangan. Cantik btl mcm real autumn.

Masa balik kk the next day jalan darat and accident. The road was slippery and driver lost control of the keretA. Syukur kpd Tuhan tidak ada yg luka. Blue and black bruises ja coz I was sitting at the back and terbuang buang.

Few days after that went to Tenom. The second pic is gambar ulam raja. Menurut tu tuan rumah la. Begitu pula rupa tu ulam kan. Punya lawa the flower kan. Ada i minta bibit dia but i terbuang the bibit! sayang kan!! Cantik ni kalau tanam di pasu and taruh di balcony kan!!! Cantik di pandangan mata and pada masa yg sama boleh petik utk di makan!

Gambar last adalah a small stream yg melintasi Kampung Baru Jumpa di Tenom. Lawa ni kampung. Sejuk dan subur betul. I bet the water must be cold kan. Inda sanggup i mau turun ke bawah and nerendam kaki i ke air tersebut.

First pic si Owel yg rajin kerja. Dia sdg busy body menengok daddy dia menyembelih ayam. The plastik bag adalah untuk dia kasi masuk bulu ayam nanti. Cute kan. Dengan his furry slipper! Rajin btl ini anak. Dan I tidak sanggup kasi gambar tu ayam yg sedang di sembelih!

Today I feel a bit sluggish..mcm sakit sakit badan. Perlu ber urut and puasa kali bah ni detoxify!

Till later take care all and wishing everyone a blessed november!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Last week attended Cha's school annual concert, Sekolah Sri Insan Borneo.

Sri had re-upholstered her 2 wing chairs. The second pic. Lawa o. Pink/peach against the cream colored surrounding. terus keluar tu kerusi. Tapi my camera didnt do justice to the kerusi. Blur bah..tapi masih boleh nampak bah color kerusi kan.

Gambar last - misi akak ke arah kesihatan. Salah satu azam i this year is to banyak kan vege in my diet..thus the dedaun hijau and tomato. Susah juga i mau bagi feedback bilang sedap....tau la kan sayur-mayur ni. Kena makan dengan sambal kicap dan ayam goreng la.Baru ada kick. Kalau the sayurs by its own..mcm terlampau sihat pula kan!!!!

Lawa kan tudung si Sri (First pic). Tidak terlampau over ada bling bling di sekeliling tudung. I is just nice. Ngam ngam elegant dia. I m thinking of giving this kind of tudung to my niece for Christmas present. I ve started to buy christmas presents sudah...i perlu sediakan more than 20 presents. SO far sudah ada 5. I havent got the Christmas wrapping theme yet....Once sudah nicely wrap akan akak pamerkan di sini.

Today iI'm off to Beluran, Sandakan. Will be back by Thu. Take care all.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Christmas Comes Early in Bukit Vor

Christmas indeed comes early in Bukit Vor.

Last weekend i tiba-tiba datang mood untuk mengubah keadaan! Mcm 2 tahun sudah lemari tunggal i tidak berganti piring nya. Since inda lama lagi Christmas season, i kasi keluar la some christmas deco. Actually i mau kasi tunjuk the lampu lip lap yg roses tu bah..tapi the gambar tidak pulak keluar cantik nya. Kalau tengok live, the lampus are gorgeous. Kelopak kelopak roses yg pandai marak-marak. The price was RM12.90. Berbaloi kan!

I ada mau buat projek memperbaiki rumah iaitu:
1. Servis aircond (projek besar sangat lah kan!)
2. Mengganti curtain - dari 2001 belum pernah berganti curtain i. I m still contemplating on the corak. I want blue and white theme bah..tapi masih mencari yg sesuai and ngam di hati ku. Ada jua si Sri bawa i pi tengok corak toile blue and white. Lawa tapi the tailor bilang the material jenis yg lepas cuci pandai jadi pendek....aduiii. Yg ni i better blog on the jenis jenis corak yg akan menjadi calon pilihan kan.
3. Memasang kipas siling di bedrooms.

Itu ja la cita-cita i.

Take care dears.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pencapaian KPI yang Terbesar

Di atas adalah kronolgi gambar gambar kami bertiga dari tahun 2007 sampai 2009 i rasa. Nanti i korek lagi gambar gambar lain ah.. I think one of the constant factors dlm kehidupan kami adalah mode bergambar bertiga! Target KPI kami dari segi makan dan berkelana bertiga memang melebihi KPI lah! Berikut adalah events yg kami akan raikan bertiga:
1) Our birthdays (wajib)
2) Birthday bekas GM kami (Hj. Ramley...tapi tanpa the birthday man.Kami ber3 ja hikhikhik)
3) Labour Day
4) TYT Sabah birthday (akan dijalankan dlm bulan Oktober ini)
5) Hari-hari yg ad-hoc.... mengikut keperluan atau ada cerita yang perlu dikongsikan serta-merta!

Gambar paling atas tu kami punya first ever trip pi Langkawi. How very adventurous cara kami begambar kan!!!hahahahaha. Tapi..nasib juga tiada gambar yg keluar-keluar lidah mcm remaja sekarang la kan hahahahaha.

Dan kalau kita kaji dan perhatikan kesemua gambar tersebut si M ja yg tidak banyak perubahan dari segi saiz!!!! Aduiiii hahahahahaha kalau si Maher zain nampak ni memang dia akan like semua gambar sister dia si M!

Till later. Happy autumn day in KK anak anak yang baik!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Apa kabars

Apa kabar anak anak yang baik..

Astaga mcm tidak terbubut i mau meng update blog nowadays o. Dengan sistem blog spot yg baru yg i belum master lagi, dengan my hp yg tidak bole post gambar terus since i lost my cable tht connects the phone to the computer. Pendek kata mcm mcm lah sebab.

Anyway...everyday akak bersyukur kepada Tuhan untuk His blessings and favors. Things at the work front are taking shapes albeit a bit slow. But we re getting where we are suppose to be. We aim to be the best property maneger company. We are doing individual KPIs to better our service. Our strentgh comes from the Lord and we aim to do the best.

Resepi wise...akak ada try resepi soft chewy choc chip cookie. But fail miserably! tawar dan tidak chewy! crumbly ada lah. Kurang tepung atau lebih butter? Banyak la cita-cita i mau try resepi. List seperti berikut:
1. Daging Dendeng
2. Agar-agar Laici
3. Snow cheese cake
4. Sup tulang

(sangat tidak matching the combinations kan...barat bertemu timur!)

Kelab makan wise...ooh yg ini memang markah penuh!!! Melebihi KPI. Setiap birtday dan perayaan Kerajaan kami akan meraikannya bertiga! Si M, Sri dan I. Tempat seperti biasa di hotel terkemuka. Venue dan menu yg sama! how very adventureous kan!

Picture di atas adalah anak anak buah ku si Owel dan Aiman. Birthday si Owel pada 3 Julai 2012, yg ke 4 tahun. Cute kan the cake. BUKAN di bake oleh akak (hahahaha memanglah bah kan).

Ok...i m off to Sri's hse mlm ni mau berkelana. I ambi pictures and get her permission to post them here ah.

Till the next post...take care loves...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ramadhan Cake

Baked cream cheese pound cake today to usher the month of ramadhan. Wishing all my friends a haapy ramadhan. I wish to join in the fasting to cleanse my internal system. But awal pagi sudah i membake!! I must say this cake is so yummy!!! I tweak a bit on the recipe...adjust here and there. I wanted to put the pic..tapi susah bah pakai ipad.nanti la i upload pic ya. The recipe is: 100gm flour 100gm almond flour(original recipe calls for 195gm flour, but i change to half flour and half almond flour) 150 gm unsalted butter 140 gm cream cheese 3 eggs Sikit salt Sikit bikarbonat soda Sikit baking powder Chara chara: 1. Pukul till kembang butter dan cream cheese. 2. Add eggs one by one and beat till fluffy. 3. Ini yang renovate...instead of sugar i replaced with honey and condensed milk for the sweetness. Jilat sikit the adunan to check the level of sweetness. Main rasa the kemanisan. 4. In a separate bowl, sift together flour, almond flour, salt, bi carb, baking powder. 5. Fold in the sifted flour to the butter mixture. 6.baked in oven 160degreee celcius for 30 min first. Check if masak if belum bake another 20 min. Temp adjust ikut your oven. Start dgn suhu 150 first then adjust adjust. 7. I tell u it is so yummy and dense!!!!! Hidang selepas terawih dgn kopi o!

Monday, May 7, 2012


Aiyaaaaaa I dont't know why the setting to post new post berubah. Bingung akak. Anyway..happy May everyone! Just to update on the many happenings the last months. Full blast organising TCamps for Pitas, Kota Marudu and Kudat (ala-ala summer camps for budak sekolah). And yg paling exciting Judith setuju to teach zumba for free!!! Zuma is the new craze in town. Mcm tarian tarian fitness. Tarian tarian gila gilan bah tapi super fun. And memang terbukti boleh kurus! si Judith kaan aku kan dari 70 kg sudah start berjumba for 9 month jadi 59 kg sudah!!!!Tapi mesti di iringi dengan gaya pemakanan sihat juga lah! Kalau malar makan lamb roast, I rasa inda jua menjadi tu! Ill master dulu ini setting baru, baru i letak pic ya. Bah akan akak update perkembangan ya.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

A lean dinner

Gums yg kena jahit is still recovering. My selera sudah dtg balik. Kamu perasan ka makin kita kena suruh berpantang makan, makin mcm mcm mau makan! Like yours truly ini. Mcm mcm selera i mau makan...esp sambal belachan! Padahal baru berjahit gusi....mana boleh makan makanan gatal kan.aisehmannn..membuak buak selera i menengo food blogs org. Sambal belachan makan dengan kari kepala ikan!

Untuk mengubat hati yg lara i settled with my lean dinner of roast chiken and timun muda cecah dengan sambal kicap kokos. Not too bad coz the chikon is super fresh. Bought frm Merdeka Supermarket in Lido. usually ayam sana kurang fresh bah. Tapi today ok pula.

I just couldnt wait to be able to eat sambal belachan with ikan goreng and kuah masak lemak! Ini kali lah!!!! Mcm mcm sudah resepi in my imagination!

Take care all.

Friday, April 6, 2012

GG Kebijaksanaan

Jgn geli ah tu gambar. Kalau tidak tahan geli tutup pakai tangan dulu k hikhikhik. I need to put the pic to remind me of one of the most important event in my life. Itu yg ada hitam hitam bukan taih gg ah. Thts the ubat spray tht Dr use to numb the gum before kena jarum.

Praise the Lord...i survived the wisdom tooth extraction! Appointment suppose to be at 1230 noon but i was so nervous i came at 1130 am. Called in at 1220 and was given a spray and 2 injections.....i can feel the jarum menembusi dinding pipi i. Memang bikin nyilu! The whole time i was praying so hard for a painless procedure. Dr Kisho was gentle and kept encouraging me not to be nervous. Waited for 10 min for the ubat bius to work...and masa tu memang sudah i rasa mau pengsan ketakutan. The Lord is merciful to me! Dr suruh buka mulut and dlm 5 minit ja dia sudah dapat cabut the gigi! Then kena jahit the gusi. The historical event took thirty minutes ja. Astaga....bergegar gegar hati i keluar. The imagination yg lebih lebih bah. I closed my eyes the whole time thus i didnt see the needles or the ragum(angkup yg bikin tarik gg tu). Dapat juga i rasa si Dr Kisho berpulas mau tarik d gg bah coz gg geraham bah. He wanted to show me the wound on the gum..but no thank you lah kan. Dia paksa juga i ambik my gg..thus the pic above!

Wisdom tooth ni Dr bilang last gg tumbuh and usually tumbuh time kitani dewasa bah. It will fight for space coz tiada sudah ruang di gums kita. Pasal tu lah sekali sekala kalau tergigit makanan di sekeliling gusi akan cause the gum to bengkak and bernanah. Kena kasi ubat and ubat kumur and the bengkak will subside but it will happen again...therefore Dr akan recommend to cabut as a permanent solution.

Ini adalah tips yg i boleh kongsikan for those who will endure similar procedure:
1. Ikut cakap Dr when he says have a hevy lunch before cabut gg coz after cabut bius masih ada dan berdarah darah jadi inda lah bah selesa mau makan kan. Tapi..sapa juga mau makan berabis sebelum cabut gg bah kan. Org sedang nervous...masih ada lagi ka selera kan!
2. Order sedia minuman ais atau abc suapaya boleh trus minum to bantu kasi stop teh darah yg mengalir. Cendol pun boleh juga i rasa..tapi jgn jua la tebarus kan..karang temasuk pula tu kekacang di luka kan! I recommend teh atau nescafe ping ja la...
3. Limpang atau baring supaya the darah tidak berjujuran. Dont pi buat kerja rumah spt memasak atau cuci piring atau menyapu coz itu akan menyebabkan darah banyak! Dan anda akan merasa geli coz terasa darah di mulut mulut kita.

Itu ja tips yg i can think of. The harga bagi membukan gigi kebijaksanaan i adalah RM295. Wed i need to see the Dr again to buka jahitan.

Happy Easter all.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Gigi Bongsu

Tak kan i mau letak gambar gigi kan...

My wisdom tooth buat hal lagi. This will be the 3rd time dia bertebiat. Pandai bernanah di sekeliling gusi. I guess terlampau tiada space for the gg to tumbuh,and terpakasa menyisip di ruang-ruang terhad yg ada. Such discomfort it gives me.

Sampai bengkak muka and feverish. Went to see dentist yesterday and di rekomen utk cabut ja this friday. Cost is RM295. The last time i had a tooth extraction was in Standard 3 i think! lebih 20 tahun yg lalu!

Gathering strength now to face D-Day!

Will update soon.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Nenek dan Owen

Things had been very hectic for the months of February and half of March. Non-stop outstations to Sandakan, Beluran, Kinabatangan and Lahad Datu. Main jalan darat and almost every week pula tu!

March sees us through the TCamps (ala-ala summer camp) organised in Kg. Bundu Apin-Apin, Kg. Muruk Ranau and Kg Ratau Kota Belud.

The pics above are so sweet. Owen is 8 and 1/2 years old and he is very handy at home. Pandai betul dia help nenek buat kerja untuk meringankan kerja (ayat karangan). My mom ada kedai runcit di kampung so kalau dia dtg KK she will ambil supply for her KRuncit. The kedai runcit had been in existence since before I was born. Agak lengkap and compact la KR my mom tu. Ala-ala Tesco kampung hhahahahah. Semua barang ada: groceries, penyapu, barang tin, beras, stationaries, present paper, ikan masin,udang kering, penyapu, ice cubes, chicken wings, bun and bread etc. Telampau banyak jenis sampai the stocks akan encroached to the kitchen and TV room. Pandai-pandailah kami menengok tv di celah-celah timbunan kampit beras nasional my mom!

The pics above menunjukkan Owen tukang follow and sorong the heavy trolley and help my mom utk take stock. He knows my mom sudah tidak kuat sangat to sorong the trolleys. Ini gambar masa belum penuh the trolley ni. Bila sampai di cashier, the trolley were full to the brink. Owen la juga yg tukang kasi keluar and susun atas cashier supaya senang mau kira harga. I pray so tht Owen will continue to be a blessing to the family.

My mom memang kasi gaji sama pembantu damit dia ni. Gaji dia adalah sebanyak RM10 hehehehhehehee.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Luar Daerah

February sees me commuting to sandakan almost every week. Pi sandakan, kinabatangan, lahad datu, beluran. Ini kali lah!!! Non stop outstation jalan darat. Journey ifrm kk to sandakan is 6 to 7 hours drive coz too many stops for pembelian keropok, dan kencing kencingan. I chose not to think of the tiredness. This is part of operasi "re building Nehemiah wall"(val punya own codded msg).

Went with teams. The Lord is good and gracious providing us wuth laughter and favour. Masa di sdk we stayed di hotel mark's lodge. Lawa ni hotel mcm org putih punya stail. Ala ala jesselton hotel. Love the timber laminated flooring but dont like the noisy aircond. Lupa i mau ambi pic bilik. Tapi paling best bila check in akan disambut dengan teh serai sejuk di gelas miring as per above pic. Bukan arak tu dlm gelas ah. Akak fall in love with the gelas miring. Entah mcm mana tu kilang potong ni gelas kan(keluar topik).

I m in lahad datu now masa menaip this entry. Masih menunggu org giat mara to take a look at our properties to rent. Biar si sara and zakir ja becakap dengan dorang.

Will be gg back to sdk afterwards another 3 to 4 hrs journey. Esok the last leg of this outstation to Beluran.

Ok tra love.till next entry

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Cream Cheese N Butter Pound Cake

Seriously this cake was super yummy! Baked by yours truly. Got this resepi frm one of the food blogs (i ll update the source nanti).
The taste was rich and creamy fluffy and very wangi. Pendek kata sangat sedap lah! Tapi awas.....i couldnt imagine berapa ribu the calories! Makan potongan kecil kecil with nescafe o tawar..sgt heaven! Baked this cake twice due to high demand from inak and family. Sempat i kasi tapau bawa balik keningau juga.

150 gm butter
140 g cream cheese
4 medium size eggs
150g castor sugar
2 tbsp susu pekat(ini i add sendiri...bikin kasi creamy)
195g self raising flour
1 biji lemon(parah jusnya)

1. Pukul hingga kembang butter,cream cheese,castor sugar
2. Add telur sebiji sebiji and pukul hingga kembang again
3. Add jus lemon, susu pekat
4. Fold in the flour
5. Line cake tin with butter and bake for 50 min 150degree celcius (adjust temp ikit oven memasing- i started with 140 degree for 30 min and 150 for the next 20 min). Boleh agak pakai mata masing masing, ngam ka tidak the temp.
6. Sejuk kan dan makan dengan nescafe o atau teh o tawar. YUMMY!!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Its 1730 hours, 29 jan, sunday. The weather is dark with a bit of guntur@thunder. Kind of like tis is so autumn. Autumn in bkt vor. Very dramatic. Last friday was the farewell party for the gm who had retired. It was super fun. The gals especially had so much was a failure tho. Too cold, too salty and too bland. The were many events happening simultaneously tht day at the hotel...awal kali the food kena masak. But itu tidak menghalang semangat pesta kami.

The mantan gm is a good man. He chose to retire didnt request for extension.

P/s this post is 1 week delayed. The pic is mcademia nut still in their shells. Kath bought in Pengkalan Kubu Kelantan. begini pula rupa macademia ori...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pictureless Wednesday

Selalu org post wordless wednesday kan. Malas ku mengatur mau post pic pakei hp. The internet connection is so unstable. Bikin gergitan. is everyone? Gong Xi Fa Cai! Long weekend from 21-24 Jan. Went back to Keningau for 1 day. Didn't manage to do much. Down with flu. Masa saturday woke up with sakit-sakit sendi di tangan. I tot pasal masuk angin. Being down with kesakitan made we realised how precious kesihatan is. Nejara betul i o jadi invalid. Punya boring and tidak dapat buat apa-apa.

Tried to rest but couldnt. Runny nose and mcm bangal-bangal tu telinga. Took some ubat yg sepatutnya bikin drwosy..but had the opposite effect! Inda menjadi sudah ubat drowsy to me.

End up with ubatan ala kampung. Asam limau with honey dan berstim buang angin. To date getting better.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Greek, kirai & tembakau

Hello...apa kabar semua?tis week had been quite full.kerja ofis,outstation dan ada ujian greek. I forgot to mention i took greek language as one of the subjects in my MTs. Tiada penyakit..cari penyakit kan. Adadadda dia punya stress level kan mcm time mau ambi spm dulu dulu. It was a test on greek alphabet ja bah...tapi guess what i failed the first test! The cikgu was kind enough to let some of us to re-take. Itu la pasalnya last week no updates for blog. Malar menghafal alphabet. Nanti i post pic the greek alphabet ah. As intro...hanya ada 24 alphabet compared to kita punya abc ada 26 kan. Abc...alpha,omega,delta....aitu lah abc nya.

Ok sambungan story kirai and tembakau. Sri tiada kirai and tembakau di putatan. Hanya ada di tuaran.memang kureng supply!mamaku terus pajak the kirai and tembakau. Gambar pertama ialah kirai and second tembakau. Bikin geli kan rupa tu tembakau. Mama ku bilang ini special tembakau namanya rongom.khas utk di buat penyuntilan!

Sekian itu saja story si kirai dan si tembakau.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ulam, Kirai, Tembakau

Got this ulam at tamu putatan today for rm1 seberkas.sangat berbolai kan. I forgot wht is the name of this ulam. Ok ni ulam tiada strong taste. And i feel healthy makan ni barang....a good start for a new healthy me? Hehehehehe

I want to increase my greens intake this usus pun mcm mau reject sudah meat. Too acidic. Cuma greens ni kena beli selalu bah kan...couldnt store in fridge for long.takpe..bersusah susah dulu bersenang senang kemudian. Tomorrow gg to tamu tuaran to bring my mom pi beli kirai daun dan tembakau. Do u all know there is a shortage of kirai daun and tembakau in the market nowadays?inda lah bah si S and M tau ni isu kan hahaha.mama ku bilang sebab cuaca hujan so itu kirai tidak dapat dijemur to dry them. Same goes for the tembakau juga. There are not many pekebun tembakau nowadays thus the shortage in supply.

Itu ja la maklumat mengenai kirai, tembakau and ulam.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Kg Keningau and Dream Team

Today we had the first staff mtg for the year. Ok...not too bad. Work is progressing and i thank the Lord for a good team. Indeed I am blessed with a dedicated group of teams. Nanti ada masa i ll post a picure of the dream team! All united with a common interest to improve the company. There are still many tasks to do, but we We hold on to the motto of "finding solution to siapkan kerja and jangan dulu cari kesalahan org lain". Teda masa mau mengorek sapa salah sapa betul, kasi siap dulu.

Lain cerita - ada sudah salon rambut di Kampung Keningau (SIla rujuk gambar pertama). Cute pulak tu. Cuci rambut RM3 or RM5 (if i m not mistaken, kalau gunting dlm harha-harga begitu juga lah. Best kan kalau ada skill ni. Di mana mana boleh cari makan. Satu hari dapat RM20 pun syukur kan. Nett u know, teda payah pay tax and sewa premis. memang keluarga Pillin adalah regular customers kpd Salon Desa tersebut.

Do u all remember si Owel? He is a big boy now. 3 years old and alrdy in play school now. His favorite is bertukang with real tools. Such an adorable boy. Penghibur kami.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Durian Kampung

Musim deroyon telah datang lagi. It has been ages since i enjoyed eating durian...but not yesterday.yesterday was d day i got my durian mood back. Di jalan papar lama. Rm5 se kilo. D sd awal musim it even fetched rm15 to rm20 per kilo. The bitter sweet tastevwas just nice.managed to finished 5 ulas durian.milky and custardy.pendek kata puas hati lah. And as usual cita-cita i besar. Bought beberapa biji dengan tujuan mau buat kek durian! I alrdy asked janet how to bake sponge kek durian....i mau at least bole mcm standard the Harrods Victoria Sponge Kek....bah.......ini kali lah!

Will update the result of the misi pembuatan kek durian ah. Ada hati juga i mau buat ice cream durian...but reality sets in...jgn jua terlampau cita cita sehingga ke bulan kan. As of now cukup setakat misi kek ja la. The lau pan durian sd ini durian jEnis kampung. Not bad juga o kan boleh lawan yg mcm mcm jenis durian yg ada di pasaran nowadays.

Lain cerita. My face is so puffed up kan.bulat btl o.i can feel i gained loads of weight during the holidays. Inda jua i banyak makan (statement berani mati). I think the culprit was tiada exercise langsung. Seriously for once i really really hope to be able to achive a weight of 60 kg. Currently at 64kg. Inda jua bah banyak 4 kg tu kan..but mcm inda la dapat bergerak the jarum weighing scale tau. I want to put the goal of 60kg as my second azam beside the improve on procastination ya. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me...yeayyyy!!!hehehe doakan kejayaaan akak.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Makanan Ruji

Post makanan when i was in KL. Gatal hati i mau mencuba minum2 di Harrods KLCC. The Victoria Sponge cake was scrumptious. Awas kalau tidak sedap dengan harga RM15 se butir. Tinggi o the kek mcm setinggi tapak tangan kita (kasi berdiri tu tapak tangan). ada body bah the sponge kek bukan angin ja. The coffee bikin I keluar gastrik for RM20 se cawan. Menyesal akak ordar kopi.

Atas nasi lemak sotong from Delicious Cafe. RM15 per plate. Ok lah..banyak sambal sotongnya and sesungut pun ada. But I agak-agak juga makan coz nowadays I need to be cautious with my food. Nanti trigger gastrik. Dan bila gastrik menyusul la si migraine. Sotong sudah dikenal-pasti salah-satu penyebab. The lists of food yg pembukar gastrik cum migraine are as follows (ini notes kepada kawan yg akan membawa akak makan):

1. Sotong

2. Nenas (sayangkan...padahal my fav food ni!)

3. Teh yg expire yg pahit dan tanpa susu , I mean teh yg sudah 2, 3 kali kena bancuh

4. Segala jenis jeruk (mangga etc etc...the preservatives ada sejenis enzyme or chemical yg trigger G & M)

5. MSG - ini paling o. Mi sup pipin kalau i eat memang banyak msg@wichin. Confirm muntah lepas eat.

6. Lada (tapi boleh sikit sikit la)

7. Cheese - ini kalau terlebih la. Kalau sikit-sikit ok.

Overall yg paling bisa adalah MSG, sotong dAN nenas. How ironic kan, when nenas and sotong are among my 2 fav fpood in the world.

Cubaan membuat kek pisang. I used pisang emas and honey and flour only. Healthy konon tanpa sugar. Not bad o.Sedap coz pisang emas memang sedap kan. Must make sure the pisang betul-betul masak. Jgn yg masak alang-alang nanti kelat.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Post ketinggalan. Last minit ke KL on the 10-13 December 2011. Went for training. I didnt go anywhere just bersantai di hotel dan makan dan makan dan makan. Habis pikiran i took some pic of kota metropolis. Hebatkan iklan timbangan dlm above pic. Sila spot the iklan BN. Pemandangan siang dan malam.

Christmas deco at Midvalley and The Garden. Inda berapa impressive. But better than wawasan plaza punya la.

Overall the trip was okay. Kenyang perut senang hati.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


How is everyone sundays for the year 2012 so far? Today is only the 2nd sunday of tne year.m feeling melamcholic.the mendung weather and no interesting prog on telly doesnt help either. M gonna be 40 tis year.mcm mana tu ah. Anyway ..need to be victorious over tis melancholic feeling. Need to stir oneself in the Lord and be ok.

On a lighter note...i have my bag impian for this year.yeayyy...a pressie for 40 y.o ,maybe.....

A little prayer and some exercise does wonder to the heart. Tomorrow will be my first day of working for the year.

P/s watching re run of Downtown Abbey now.syok o tis dramamwalauoun ulangan.english ke tahap maksima.sri cuba u tengok pinggan manggkuk dan fabrics dia.astaga.bisaiiii

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Operasi Bersih

Whole day spent cleaning. Going thru piles of fabric,pillow cases,bed sheets, clothes. Segregating the old, the still needed and new clothes. At the end of the day there were 3 big piles of bags to give away to siti cleaner. Gosh..the amt of things being accumulated in the ten years of living here. Moved to this home on 1 may 2001. How time flies.... The dust and heavy lifting caused mr migraine to come. Thus i made resolutions for 2012;

1. Will not buy any beddings things- pillow cases, sheets dan yg berkaitan, kecuali ada yg terlampau hebat la, but minimum 1 ja kalau terpaksa!
2. Will not buy any more plates, cups, dan yg se angkatan dengannya.

The pics above are hasil dari pembersihan. I have so many ointments kan. Itu baru setengah tu. Belum i kasi baris semua botol yg ada. Astaga mcm paling kaya ubat urut kan i.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Abundance of Christmas 2011 (descrpition)

Manage to post pics using hp...yet unable to typw any descriptions. Well....i m not gonna give up.biar la the ayat bercerai cerai dengan the pics ah. I m so blessed with many thoughtful christmas gifts for 2011. Pics and givers are as below;

1. Dainty oil cloth roses bag - from fay.totally love this.this however was a special request from yours truly to fay heheh.
2. Polka dot tikuan and cawan - so dainty and loves them to bits. So colorful and ceria kan. From M, chosen by Julia.
3. Victoria English choc biscuits- simply adore the kutin. The cookies are divine. Brings me back to memories of Liverpool..where they were a staple back then.
4. Cadar set - from kawan-kawan ofis. This really touched me. They pool money and bought me this. Sikit lagi akak ter keluar ayer mata.kalah ombak rindu.
5. Kuali (pic akan di upload later)- from Dayang. this i realy really want. My old kuali sudah be tagar and it was high time to get new one. Was looking high and low for a good kuali.
6. Roses print umbrella - from inak. This make me smile. So so pretty.inda sampai hati i mau pakai kena hujan.
7. Bouquet of roses - from Sri. These were special request from yours truly as well. Loves the pink salmon color roses.
8. Blue bracelet - from Ros. so dainty and pretty. Wore it to christmas mass.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Abundance of Christmas 2011