Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Was browsing in a "cooking/baking equipment store' yesterday, when I stumbled upon these Disney princesses. Are these Belle (Beauty and the Beast-yellow dress), and Cinderella or sleeping beauty (blue dress)?

P/s There is almost no moral story/motif behind this post. Just a Wednesday ramblings. The figurine are about 2 inches tall and so so so cute to be popped on top of a cup cake kan. What caught my attention was the price, it was sold for RM2.50 for both, wheres 2 Snow White was selling for RM3.00. Why do Snow White costs more than these two princesses. Please help me to shed some light to this issue (wakaakaaka as if this is a life and death question).

Till later u'ol.


Shabbymom said...

issue mengapa Snow White labih mahal 50 sen...abis ia tinggi sedikit daripada Belle & Cinderella..aka the blue dress...hahahhaa.....padahal inda jua lawa banar Snow White nya atu....

memang lawa mun di taruh atas cuppies....ada ku membuat ari atu utk c cha...punya gumbira dia...tapi lupa tah ku kan mengambil gambarnya....nantilah...tunggu ku rajin lagi membuat cuppies....ciow

Shabbymom said...

ohhh yaaa...lupa...behapa u ke baking store???....kan membaking sudah u???

Poppet said...

yg mahal tu lagi berat dr yg murah? hehehehe... or because snow white uses more colours i.e yellow, dark blue, light blue, red, white, black and also more time needed to make (bcoz more colours)

Dalam gambar yg you paste tu is Belle (yellow) and Cinderella (blue), both use sikit colour compared to snow white.

napa gambar figurine snow white teda whimsi?

whimsical said...

heheheheh syok o reply reply dari kamu.hahahahah memang isu dunia kan.maybe lah kan.terjawap suda mangapa snowhite mahal 50 sen.
poppet - si taukeh bilang tak boleh ambil gambar if tak beli (lokek punya Lau Pan!)

shabymom- ngam2 d kedai buka, aku buang2 masa pi round2 ja

Linda said...

Good question. I have no idea. I was puzzled here by the price of lavender. The Provence lavender which is grown here, I assume, was more expensive than something called Italian lavender. Didn't make sense to me.

Unknown said...

Alamak...indaklah boleh i ikut u masuk dat shop lain kali! Sure si taukeh throw u out! Dia mimang chop dah muka u as muka tangkap gambar ja tapi indak pandai membeli! Another theory, maybe taukeh ada banyak stock Belle and Cinderella and higher profit margin even though lagi murah. From a retailer's point of view...