Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Garden of NOT Eden

'M on leave for 1 week. Much needed de-stressing moment. Took time to tender little balcony garden. To date the list of edible plants are Lime, Pucuk Manis (cukup-cukup bikin tambah di maggie), Long beans, Tomatoes.

Long beans, photogenic betul ini tumbuhan ber background kan dark cloudy sky.


fabmom said...

eee..punya merah itu tomato! mcam easter egg kan! nice garden.

Linda said...

The tomatoes look really good. And are those limes?

Val Aziz said...

If you have extra lime tree ble minta ka..I have pokok cili padi at home and it will be perfect with the kasturi..

Anies Azeera said...

green finger oh u Whimsy. I just loooooove your garden. Jeles eh.

By the way, tomato tu c Rapunzel ka?

Lee said...

Hi Whimsical, wow, your balcony looks more like a little garden. Very nice....that red tomatos beautiful.

I last year had a papaya plant growing in my balcony as well an Hawaiian pipeapple, but when the cold weather arrive as well not enough sunlight, habis cherita.
Nice photos, Whimsical, you keep well, Lee.

Just plain Sharon said...

Hi Whimsy!

Wah siok oh see you with your garden.