Check out the "eye of malaysia" pitas version....
Hello u'ol. How is everyone weekend? As promised these are photos of the Pitas Harvest Festival held on the 24 May 2008 (Saturday). It was officiated by the chief minister and we participated by way of presenting our new project at the Dataran Bengkoka (where the festival was held). For info, Pitas is the poorest state in MALAYSIA!!!! I'm not sure what went wrong there. A combination of many factors maybe - unsuitable leader?inadequate infrastructure?No political will?Lack of vision and strategy?. It is quite disheartening to realize the fact that Pitas with its abundance of natural resources (Pitas is a seaside district), is the poorest in the country. The majority of population are Sabah local (Runggus, Dusun and other ethnic group), yet there seems to be no urgency to address this situation. The unemployment rate among the local youth is high and the culture of "lepak" is alarming.
I shudder to imagine what will happen in 5 - 10 years time should this situation are not corrected. Let us all pray that concrete action will be taken to address these issues in Pitas.
On to a lighter note, the crowd turnout was quite okay. What p***** me off was that the CM arrived via helicopter. I wish he took the road that all of us, mere mortals have to endure. The 3 hour journey was an adventure by itself. There were potholes almost every 5 -20 feet!!!! It was very dangerous especially for those first time travellers. Seriously people, if u do decide to drive to Pitas, please do a "sembahyang hajat" first, to ensure u are protected from the "death trap"!
Anyway, there was quite a festive mood during the event. It was held in Dataran Bengkoka by the seaside. But people, the weather was super super super super super super HOT, molten lava!!! Blue sky with no cloud at all, I think the temperature must be reaching 40 degree Celsius. I think every inch of fats in my body was crying and begging not to be tortured anymore heheheh.
Pictures that I manage to take under the molten lava heat...heheheh (over dramatic pula kan min).
The "Unduk Ngadau" beauties. Gosh, I felt like the "beauties" mother taking pictures of them, and seriously people, it is NOT a good idea for us who are over 30 to stand or be amongst these young beauties!!!!!hahahahahahhahaah
The CM who came by helicopter (!!!!!) being briefed of our project by the architect. Check out the architect (in black). He is so cool i think and he dresses and carry himself well. Standing beside him is our chairman. By the way, I think the CM is quite dashing for his age.
Honey comb, suppose to suck the comb and spit out the comb. Bought one but haven't tried it yet.
oh gosh...memang panas oh last saturday atu...aku terjumpa bini c hisyam & anak d parkson sabtu atu...rupanya lakinya ke Pitas!! oh baju c hisyam...macam mau belikan c wan lah...mbok d mana mau beli tu?...bisai banar bah kemah putih bisidia atu...macam d carbooth sale kan....the pink & white beads...ShabbyMurut kali kan...hahaha....kurus oh c Linda...lawa tah?...Mbok u boleh jadi YB Pitas ohhh....
& CM...naik hellie?..hmmmmm..inda biasa bah jalan darat...mana kelas gitu!!!
memang bisai outfit si hisham.u tau, jeans nya pun atu sebelah belakang tempat brand atu, setampek leather merah kuda jua.aku rasa mcm santa barbara o.memang ngam tu if utk si wan kan tinggi.tapi jaga-jaga, sebab handsome bah lelaki pakai hitam, ba kuda lagi!!!!baik tah u kasi si wan baju kuda damit ja supaya jgn terlampau cool.karang ada gadis-gadis getalan, susah kita. inda boleh jadi yb, nanti habis geran tanah kita pi jual membeli kudutan!!!!
hahah!!gila-gila han kamu ani!!!
auuuu kan mbok....gambar rusa boleh kah?
sri u ingat kah baju di pameran thailand di wawasan atu, dia mau sulam gambar rusa ka kuda ka, tapi salah, entah binatang apa ke jadahnya.ingat?
ingattttt....gambar rusa kan tu....hahahahaha.....c santa punya rusa dorang curi.....
mcm sengsara juga tgk dlm gambar tue kamu kepanasan ... but, mcm enjoyed juga with many booths and persembahan by Linda .. hehehe ... Zakir said she so slim like papan .. i wish i was there but what can i do ....
bobby, jgn tah u pi bepanas now.panasnya kan macam neraka dunia.di gambar ja mcm lawa, tapi yo robbi, peluh menitik berabis ditambah dgn uniform kita yg mcm kanvas tu.
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