Last night mengusai home in preparation for Christmas tea party. Shabbymom sudah warn that I must have Christmas tree for the tea party. I so couldn't wait for the tea party. 'M so in the mood to put up Christmas decor. This will be the first time ever that this humble apartment will have a Christmas decor and Christmas tea party! "m not finished with the full decor yet...just a glimpse of some of the corners.....
That's the christmas spirit!!!!!.....syiok kan mengusai2 ani.....misti dorang c cha & sofea terpegun meliat kan!!!!!....
waaaa.. so preetttyyy! mmg betul2 put people in christmas mood, only we don't have snow here! Best kan kalau berbackground with your deco, sipping hot chocolate while enjoying the white snow (konon) outside. Hehehehhe...
perfect! perfect! eeee..nda sabarnya!
wha..... sooooo nice. And I like the piring-piring yang ada gambar christmas tree, but where is the real Christmas tree?
wahh lawa ooo...c owen ckp....hehe...
and get the christmas carollers to come to ur house!! hehehe mesti jiran2 malazu u tekezut tu kan..
Uji ada snow bah..di 1B heheheh..
ehemmm kalu penat2 mengusai dan beautifying the house ni kan..rugi kalu inda open hse terus...
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