Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The office is swamp with many new faces in the form of trainees, undergoing practical training. Pening ku budak-budak ni. Giggling girls, and some of them are seated adjacent to mine. lain juga eh budaya budak-budak now (or is that coz of a huge generation gap? sob sob sob), I remembered dulu-dulu, kalau kita baru masuk kerja, inda la berani ketawa terbahak-bahak dan bercerita bagai nak rak kan, diam ja kan. Dorang ni ah, bercerita la (I can actually hear every bit of conversation), memasang lagu la, giggling la. Seriously akak sudah sampai tahap maksima my patience. Their voices are like nyamuk di telinga ku. Bingit banar!
'M off for outstation to Pulau Bum-bum Semporna, Sandakan and Tawau this week. Be back next week. Take care all.

P/S gambar roti paun tiada kaitan dengan post.


fabmom said...

selamat meround pantai timur. take care!

uji said...

i also cannot tahan these teens... bila dengar apa yg diurang cerita, lagilah... macam annoying betul. AND... that's when i realized i AM old! Hahahahaha...

Val Aziz said...

Uji bukan old baitu..wiser heheh jgn bah bilang old.

Whimsi inda menyempat I menyinggah rombengan yg sgtlah dekat chis!!!! yg di Jln Damai tu arghhhh tensennya. By the time dpt p jln2 pun suda ptg and mostly 5pm suda tutup kadai.

uji said...

yabah, bukan old pulak... tapi wiser and matured :D

Anies Azeera said...

I've been to Pulau Bum-bum. My company donated TV to the rural library. The first TV in that Island. But that was many-many years ago lah. I guess maju sudah tu pulau sekarang.