Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I had been eyeing these cake stands piece since 2008. Everytime I ke kedai putatan, pasti i akan pi cubuk ni barang. And i always had some hesitation of buying it. But, it never went completely out of my mind. When finally, finally, finally after 2 long years, it finally is mine! Ngam lah org tua bilang, "kalau jodoh memang tak ke mana". Itu lah tu kan. After 2 tahun, ini barang masih belum kena beli! Tak payah dipaksa kalau jodoh, mcm mana mau mengelak, itu lah tu kan! Selepas bertahun I pok-pok ni ringkatan kek. Berbaloi pula harga dia tu. 3 sizes, boleh taruh bapa kek, mama kek dan anak kek. I'm so in love of this piece now. It goes so perfectly with my other blue n white collections. It adds a whimsical touch to the rest of the collections.

Kita wait for an ocassion for it to be used. In the mean time, take care all.


fabmom said...

hahaha! jodoh x ke mana. V, kasi nampak semua bah blue/white lemari tu.

Shabbymom said...

hahahahahaha!!!!...mimang jodoh mu kannnnn!!!!!!...astagaaaaaa...lawa pulak kan!...masa di kadai cita tu mcm tawar sikit ia!

Anonymous said...

Wah ngam oh taruh kek and cuppies! I into baking these days. Trying out recipes yg i mimpi2. I bagi u all the rejects ah whimsy. At least they look nicer on yr blue tingkat2 thingy than in my fridge. Bah dtg my hse dis weekend ah. JFL

whimsical said...

JFL Ok set! trus kita gambar ah