Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Christmas Story 2

Christmas-sy flowers were dusted and displayed last nite..The arrangement is agak kurus kan. 'M envisioning a huge arrangement. On the lookout for red flowers now. Christmas tree is out from its long slumber...'m still thinking what baubles to put up this year?

Till the next post.

Friday, November 19, 2010

A Polka Dot Christmas

Is this going to be a polka dot Christmas? It would be a dream fulfilled to be able to get hold of other polka dots present papers - red and white, deep green and white.

The least fun task - being made okay by flowery plates and cups. Candies to the eyes.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Christmas Story

1st task was to take out all christmas-sy plates and decor. I tot I had enough..but there is still
so much space in the cupboard. My fav. christmas plates so far are above. It was a bargain for RM2.00 per piece. Menyesal I tidak buy lebih dari 3 biji! Next is to put fairy lights... to make them twinkle.

Till next post. Have an early Merry Christmas all.
(Lain Topic: Bikin malas Astro channel 702 sekarang ni. Almost evry week ada ulangan tayangan gambar drama based on books by Nora Roberts. AStaga punya bida tu cerita-cerita. Siapa bah juga si Nora Roberts ni. Sure murah drama dia kali kan, thts why astro beli. Mcm tidak berbaloi sudah ber astro oh)

Friday, November 12, 2010


The whimsicals pictures taken during the short trip. A cycling Barbie. I was tempted to buy this but mcm mana juga mau kasi masuk air asia the gelang rotan kan...
Adore the green color of the cake.

Cheese and butter yg i sempat curi time breakfast.

Flowers..what not to love about them..eh. Below are lotus buds. Lawa kan. First time I saw lotus hidup.

That would be all for the trip di negar di serang todak.

Take care all.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

25-27.10.2010 (Part 2)

Sambungan kpd short trip. Stayed at the new Marina Bay Sands. Ok ok juga the hotel. Ngam la kalau penjudi. Coz dibawahnya casino ja. Agak boring la juga. NOT a walking distance from the central shopping area. But the infinity pool memang best lah. Tapi astaga the water is COLD, ditambah lagi dengan angin yg bertiup sangat kuat. Tips: quickly get in the water and start moving around to warm oneself. Baru berabis ambil gambar. The pool is liocated at the roof top. 1st pic is a model of the hotel. Yg mcm kapal layar tu la the pool and restaurants. Inda jua terlampau impressive lah. The 3 towers yg menjadi tiang kepada kapal are rooms. Yg bawah-bawah the casinos.

Ada juga I swam in the infinity pool setakat utk memuaskan hati. Inda pun sampai 10 min. Tidak cukup time. Mana lebih penting - berenang ka window shopping? WINDOW SHOPPING la bah kan!

Somerset 313, that housed Forever 21 and several other independent kedai. The food court ada bejualan nasi padang yg nyaman. 2 hari berturut-turut I ulangan makan nasi padang sini. Dengan lauk yg sama pula tu. Inda cukup makan sana, ditapau lagi! Syok kan tapauan nya. Inda da plastik.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Christmas Prelude 1

Christmas presents wrapping session had officially kicks off! Found polka dots wrappers at kedai K. I wanted to find red and white and green polka dots, but to no avail. Still on the look out for "christmas-sy" wrappers. The transparent bag is full of unwrapped gifts. I m now on the hunt for ribbons and trinkets to beutify the otherwise plain boxes.
Till next post....

Thursday, November 4, 2010


October was wrapped up by a very short visit to a neghbouring country. Shopaholic mood in full gear. Hasil-hasil:
1. 1st pic. Earring and Bracelet, from Forever 21. Just love the store. Quirky and the price "berbolai".. (note: a minimum of 2 hrs required to browse thru 4 floors of this shop. Do make ample time in itinerary.) Likes the earring shape but a bit berat. There is a slight possibility the weight of the earring will elongate one's ear!

2. I alrdy pok-pok these shoes in KL since..forever. The price tag in KL was RM490 (mcm..tidak lah kan.Too expensive). Astaga, found these 1 last pair for MY size for SING89.90! berbaloi ka tidak!!!! So yes!

3. RL shirt - black and off white (susunan pics. tidak ngam.)

4. Latest book in the Shopaholic series. Not as funny as previous books. I think Sophie Kinsella had sort off loose steam in terms of "funny- ness". It is still funny but not the "roll- on-you back" funny. Mahal pula tu. They haven't got the cheaper version out.

That was all for October 2010. An eventful month indeed!