Tag by Fay - Household chores that I don't really fancy (ubah sikit the nama ah Che');
1. Dishwashing. Must have Vaseline hand lotion nearby, to ensure hands are smooth and NOT dry.
2. Bunuh Semut dan Lipas. Yup a menace to a household. Must have Ridsect nearby and my mom gave me this chalk (which supposedly be a low poisoinuos cockroach repellant). A friend suggested that kayu manis can also deter ants and cockroaches....sila la try ye.
3. Buang Sampah. To neatly tie bin bag nicely to prevent any unwanted and smelly water dripping or yucky smell. To go down 3 floors to the bin centre. Good exercise konon.
4. Dusting. On books, TV, Astro decorder, Cake Plates, ALL surface...sigh...
5. Bunuh Cicak. Their "bulu less" body and ekor pandai putus! To ensure that they died instantly (to prevent any keseksesaan), and to be creative in "sapu ing" its lifeless body without touching it and securely wrapped it in 5 plastic bags to prevent the ekor yg masih bergoyang-goyang frm terlepas!
Itu saja household chores that I don't like. 2 out of 5 involve pembunuhan.
wei wat happen to the cicak oh?? sampai nampak tulang?
ooohh..!!! gruesome itu gambar terakhir..!
atu tah! termelakat di antara pintu bilik ku atu.memang membari gali!!!pukitaiiiii betul punya cacak!
Wainah Whimsi, releks nah tok!
Ya memang sa pun amat geli sama sisak sisak dan benda2 tanpa bulu2 ni
hahaha..good answering the TAG!!! hey, U didn't TAG anyone!!
Good job and creative!
U make the Tag interesting lah my friend.
I like the 1st. photo cos melibatkan benda-benda yang cute. I geli the last photo lah, but have to admit my pintu pun ada juga gitu tu sometimes.
I hate ironing and vacuuming.
Itu Made In China punya pembubuh pest ah...u cuba tiguk contents dia. Benzoic acid oh! Not good for your liver. I pernah jumpa ni benda and dia betul2 mengeringkan kulit if touched, caustic bah..macam itu bleach, but at a slower rate..not good. But berkesan oh. Don't letak where u can touch or breathe it ah..
yaiiikkkssss.....punya membari gali bangkai cicak mu!!!!....
aku paling inda suka meng iron baju, vacum & melap lemari yang panuh dangan piring hiasan....membari malaskan.....
buli masuk muzium ko punya pintu with bangkai cicak tu. ehhehehhe...
ur last sentence made me cringe...
"2 out of 5 involve pembunuhan"
should be followed by a super duper hideous laugher
really funny la wen i think about the cicak..teda chan langsung dia menyelamatkan diri, terus kena kepit pintu hahahaha..mati katak..ur door hinges are a death trap!
whimsi, ko hampas pintu kah sampai tu cicak tdk sempat selamatkan diri?
Ganas oo ko kan.. membunuh saja hahahahah.. tapi at least.. those are the things yg you dont like to do kan.. so kiranya ko tidak suka membunuh la hehehhee
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