Menu was courtesy of Miss Janet, it was cheese platter and fruits u’ol. Janet was so generous to bring the grapes, kiwis, cheeses (Blue vein, camembert, and 2 other cheeses that I don’t know the names, so let’s call them “moldy” cheeses).
Janet taught me to eat them with freshly baked bread (courtesy of Miss J as well), grapes and my pride and joy – the succulent and oh so pretty baby tomatoes! Yesssss, we were eating the toil of my sweats (the tomatoes, I meant, not the grapes, wakakakakak!).
OMG, the blue cheese, OMG, I guess it really is an acquired taste. Nope I didn’t like it. I couldn’t find the right words to describe it, the closest is something like a very pungent, smelly, like the insect “Posisang” (somebody please translate what is posisang hahahahahah!). But the other cheeses, me likey!
We didn’t have wines though’, I didn’t expect Miss J to bring the cheese platter, next time ah Miss J. The feast ended with a cookery class. Miss J tought me to cook custard. Now I know how to make custard, my very very very fav in the world (among my many fav..)
wah bestnya...kamu dua orang saja kah? mana anak2?....lawa oh rumah mu kan.....very shabby look.....wah minum jus ah sama makan keju & buah saja kamu?...emmmmm kanyangkah?
Yupp, 2 ja kami.anak-anak Miss J dia tak bawa.hehehehhe ok juga, lain sikit la kanyang dia, mcm kanyang makan "epal hijo" wink wink hmmmmmm
UHUuuu...tergoda jugak dgn roti ituu..
did u see naked chef last nite?...I so want the bread NOW
juememang si Janet boleh kasi kalah Tun M punya The Loaf kan.hahahaha. astaga Jue,tadi i read fast, i thought u were asking whether "I saw A naked chef last nite?" It made me think, why on earth I want to see a naked man cooking..why on earth wakakakakakakak!!!Sekali 3 x i baca balik, rupanya the TV cooking series pula, THE Naked Chef, NOT A Naked Chef kan JUe!!!!wakakakakkakakaak!! Otak blue sikit this monday.
Whimsy, you know me so well...nEVER take a photo of my face!!! Hahaha!! Panik I mula-mula tu.
What bread did the naked chef bake Jue??? I want see both the bread AND the naked chef!
CISSSS!!!!! Kurang asam! Apa TV program titled Naked Chef ni???!!! Peh!!!! Lucky I read Whimsy's komen! Ingatkan ada hunky chef yg baking naked!!! Manalah org brani pasang naked chef yang kurus kerdil kan!
I never liked blue cheese until I had it in France. Now it's my favorite.
Shabbymom, the resoles were so yummy... I telan all, but tapau 2 for my kids. At least not so tamahak lah. None for the hubby. He'll probably eat the children's share. I ate on his behalf! Hihihi!!! Thanks again for the super delicious resoles!
no problem janet......
eee sadap ni cheese+grapes+bread..just missing the wine..
Hi Whimsical, I guess I'll have to take a pass on cheese and tomato....for some reason or other I have never gone overboard for these two....
thus have not eaten pizza, ha ha.
But of course being a gentleman, if invited to a party where above is served, I'll nibble, then point to the sky ask whether its a UFO, and everyone looking up, will pass to my wife who loves cheese and tomato, ha ha.
Miss J seems to be a culinary expert, huh?
You keep well Whimsical, and have a great week, Lee.
val, If you're married you won't have otak blue me inesen je...
that 'naked' chef baked rosemary & garlic bread (dunno the exact term of the bread) but he basically just pressed the rosemary & garlic infused olive oil into the bread dough prior to 2nd proving then baking it in a flat pan, then the finished bread is served cut into pieces like the ones we could get at M&S UK or other good supermkts there...look so yummy mummy
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