Last week I was talking to an elderly lady, and she was explaining how this person is related to another, and she found it so difficult to explain the relationship (very complicated family tree). I was on the verge of migraine trying to understand what she was explaining. When suddenly she shouted, they are related through "saudara anjing"! (direct translation to English - dog relation).
I nearly choked on my kueh cakui at that. I found it so funny coz i never knew such term existed. Then later that day, when we had tea party at fabmom's, i mentioned that term, and she said yes Brunei's term is "adik beradik kuyuk" ! Yes people the term exists.
"Adik-beradik Kuyuk" or "Saudara Anjing" is a term used to describe siblings with the same mother but different father. Phewww, what a simple explanation kan hahahahahahahaha.
Still, the pic above is so appropriate for the term.
wow...paning tah kawan mu orang putih atu mun membaca post mu ani...wakakakah!
orang putih yang banyak dog relatives tu kan..same mother diff father..wakakakakakkkk!!!!
atu tah banar!!!!wakakakaakkakaak kuyuk bersusuga pink! sri, kasi tengok si adek and chacha gambar ni, dan tell me apa dorang bilang ah.
c cha bilang cuteeeeee....c adek inda paduli!!!
Hey I know that Dog!! Selalu tukar baju tu. Itu owner pun nampak mcm sot2 kan?! But what a "term" lah kan Saudara Anjing LOL!!
Aiseh, di KK pun ada juga org suka kasi dress-up kuyuk ka..edehhh
Here, I even saw kuyuk with rain coat bah...
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